Roy-aL (Respekt Ova Your Artificial Love)
Born Aaron L. Goodman on October 28th 1983 in Amityville Long Island. Misplaced anger became a comfort zone before music became his only refuge. Al Green, Percy Sledge, Otis Redding.. blues/soul is where it all began for him musically..hearing the pain and passion, that artistic honesty expressed beyond his young comprehension has stayed with him forever! It made Aaron(Roy-al) wise beyond his age. Near the end of 1996 he became one forth of a group by the name of “Horrorville Dynasty”. At the time he went by” Yung Murder” which was a acronym for “Youngest Underground artist Getting it (through the murder of music)…killing tracks! The group included neighborhood friends they eventually decided to part ways in early 1999. Over the years he has grown and develop artistically. He changed his alias to “Roy-al” an acronym for “RESPECT OVA YOUR ARTIFICIAL LOVE”. A dynamic Hip Hop artist, who is creative, and witty, with words of wisdom mixed with the reality of the streets.